
Product Design

29 June 2024 | 04:00 PM - 06:00 PM IST | Online

The real test of learning is the assurance of skills and the real test of skills is demonstrating in a live audience with industry hiring managers!

We want to invite you to join the Skillathon (Skill Hackathon)

At the Institute of Product Leadership, we replaced examinations with Skillathons and studying with "learning by doing".

Our International Certificate In Product Management cohort will present their innovative solutions and you get to not just witness it live, but also vote and choose the winner!


04:00 PM to 05:45 PM: Live Presentations with Jury & Audience Voting

05:45 PM to 06:00 PM: Award Ceremony


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Why Attend?

Be part of the live jury to select the champion

Participate and Vote while contestants present their solutions to live industry challenges.

Network with industry practitioners and hiring managers
Draw inspiration from skill presentations on live projects
Audience Award


Vijai Kanth Panthail
Head of Product and Design
Anish Velayudhan Kutty
Director of Product & Design
Rehana Unnisa
Head of Product & Communication Design

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