Paving your Path to Product Management

Product Management roles are extremely challenging and expect one to have the ability to think on his/her feet, plan and implement robust strategies and tactics. One needs to be extremely proactive and focused to pursue a product management career.

Successful product management careers don't just happen, and it requires a high level of strategic thinking, self-reflection, and meticulous planning. In this talk, find out what skills you need and how to level up with Ravikiran Papthimar, Director - Product & Technology at Incture Technologies, and get tips to land your first job as a Product Manager.

Key Takeaways:

  Understand the key mindset and skillset required to transition into product Management roles.
  Various paths to transition your career into Product Management
  Tips on cracking product interviews
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Ravikiran Papthimar
Director - Product & Technology
Incture Technologies

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